Are we too "Christian" to reach our community?

Are we too "Christian" to reach our community?
I had the pleasure being asked to sing in a formal concert with the North Greenville University choir at the Peace Center downtown. I had a really enjoyable time, and the musical quality was excellent. Yet, when leaving I heard one of the people from the audience say "wow this was such a great outreach to our community." Was it really? I mean - really? To my knowledge, there was no one who happened to "be in the area" of the Peace center, and happened to be dressed appropriately, and happened to have $13 to get in. Who are we kidding?Let's take this scenario to our churches: Do a Christmas/Easter Cantata with all the bells and whistles, and work your tail off to make it happen. (As a music minister, I am very familiar with this situation) Yet, who comes to the performa... I mean presentation of the Gospel... during the weekend? Perhaps, if you are really efficient in marketing, you will have people bussed in in church vans from all over the county, and/or state. But do we reach the unsaved? No way! - they never even considered coming to it. That stuff is for church people. The longer I am in church, particularly in ministry, the more afraid I am of majoring on the minor issues. I want to be effective in my community. This determines what events we will do, what locations we choose, and what people we cater to. I don't want to be too Christian for people to find us...
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