My wife Erin grew up in a home where she attended church once a year, every Christmas Eve. Just recently, her mother made a comment I found particularly interesting. She said that they took their family to church on Christmas Eve each year so that they might learn the true meaning behind Christmas. However, when Erin asked her about Easter, she said that it appeared that all Easter was about was dressing up pretty, and showing off your new church clothes.
Why aren't we able to show our communities that there is a REAL meaning to Easter as well? In fact, it is a pretty big part of what we know and believe as Christians - the only thing that separates Jesus' life from that of other prominent religions.
If you have read my blog this week, you will see that we are quite overwhelmed with all that needs to be done this week - not unlike most churches all over the state. However, where we might be different is that we are pouring everything we have into presenting the REAL meaning of Easter this year. There is a place for musical dramas portraying the last week of Christ, but it just isn't a fit for us. Our focus this year is "God on Film." We are trying to find a way to put handles on the Gospel, so that people can see their own day to day lives and concerns and how they relate to what Jesus did on the cross. I am exited about what God can do through this.
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