Family Meeting

At Ridgeview, we only have one regular business meeting a year, the one where we vote on the budget. If there are large decisions to be made, we will meet and vote (hiring staff, or purchasing land) but we also have regular "family meetings" to discuss the life of our church. It was an exiting thing, talking about what is happening this summer in different areas. Most visibly, we are in the midst of our Summer of Service. We have touched some 2,000 people so far, and the counter is climbing. We had 60 children attend our VBS, and our students learned a great deal about hard work at Y-Serve. And summer is just barely underway! We answered a number of questions about land and building options, and talked about the possibilities of multiple services. It is so refreshing to be part of a church where you see people exited about what is happening in the church currently, and involed in the vision for the future while allowing its leadership to motivate them into action. Welcome to the family!


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