We have a person at our church who manages a Citgo gas station. I stopped in this morning to get gas and grab a cup of Gas -Station-Cappuccino, (which is by far my favorite to drink) and talked to her for a few minutes.
She said it was a good thing I got gas when I did, because she would have to boost the price for the next few days, because of a mistake of a fellow employee over in Spartanburg.
Apparently, the "other" manager made a mistake at a computer or something, and sold unleaded for about 2 hrs at $0.26 a gallon. This individual cost Citgo a few thousand dollars because of their carelessness. I know what you are thinking: "Too bad I wasn't in the area last week," right?
How important is attention to detail when it comes to our ministries? I am reminded daily by stories just like this how easy it is to fall into the trap of complacency. If you are a member at Ridgeview, be sure to be on your best behavior in every aspect of our ministry. If you have visited our church, and noticed an area lacking in "detail" please, please, please let us know about ti before we let it carry into another week.
Be aware, be on guard, and be expectant for things to go wrong each week. How will you respond when it happens? Will you notice?
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