MTBing at Croft State Park

MTBing at Croft State Park
I met Mark today to ride for lunch... it was anything but the perfect ride. First we were both about 15 minutes late, construction on Hwy 29 set us back. Then, when I arrived, I realized that I didn't have any bike shorts with me. Fortunately I did have some gym shorts, but the ride is much more unpleasant without all that extra padding. Mark arrived with no shoes, helmet or gloves. I had some flat pedals which he was able to use, and he put his black dress shoes back on. We had a great time, but I am dead tired because of it. Croft is a trail with a great deal of up and down, so Mark and I had decided to ride our single speeds... It was a decent ride considering all the reasons why we could have given on it, but Croft is not meant for single speeds... not until I get into better shape anyway. Maybe next time!
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