I haven't ridden my bike in weeks

Doesn't it feel great to exercise? I love how I feel after a long day in the saddle, like I do when I have ridden 80-100 miles or more on the road. I love the days I have been able to spent 6 hrs or more traversing the incredible MTB trails and views at Dupont State Forest. It is this strange feeling of total exhaustion mixed with a adrenaline high, that I absolutely love.

I had lunch with some friends yesterday, and we got talking about some of the things - life long adventure goals we would love to do, but probably never will. John is a fishing and boating biff, and he wants to take a boat the length of the inter-coastal waterway. Don loves to hike, and wonders how far he could make it along the Appalachian Trail. I piped in that I would love to ride my bike from coast to coast someday. They all agreed that I should definitely do that.

Here's the the thing... when I am riding regularly, I get in an average of 400-500 miles in a month. Do you know how far I would need to ride to get across the United States? 300-600miles per week!

I accumulated 3.7 miles for the month of October. Right now I have the big goose egg for November. I got a long way to go. Anyone else feel my pain?

1 comment:

  1. One of the my fellow Athletic Trainers at Carson-Newman road his bike from Knoxville to the National Conference in San Antonio, that's 1,144 miles. His wife and kids followed him in the car and took mini day trips, he rode about as long as it took them to drive 2 hours. It took almost 14 days. It would be awesome for you to go coast to coast.
