Last Saturday, Renewal Church hosted our first BIG GiveAway in the gym at our facility at 530 Meadow Drive. We put up a few stick signs, posted an ad in the paper, and another on Craigslist, and prayed that people would come. And come they did! Our doors were scheduled to open at 8am in the morning, and when our volunteers arrived at 6:45am, there were people waiting in the parking lot.
We quickly prepared coffee, and started up the electric fireplace and encouraged people to hang out until we opened. Long story short, we opened at 7:45am instead of 8am, because the crowd had grown too large. We were able to serve 300 or more people by simply being willing to give away some of the excess of what God has blessed us with. By 8:30am, most of the crowd had already passed through, and most of what we had to offer was loaded up and taken away. The few people that trickled through the rest of the morning were glad to take a tour of our facility and enjoy a cup of coffee instead of receiving FREE stuff. God opened up some fantastic conversations along the way.
Be in prayer as we do our best to follow up with more than 150 family units who filled out registration cards. Be in prayer as we make plans for how to best utilize our new acquired gym space!
Don't forget our next Preview Gathering is this Sunday Night, Nov 24th at 6pm. Come and celebrate with us what the Lord has done!

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