Sunday was one of the first beautiful spring days of the season here in Western New York. More than 30 volunteers arrived nearly 2 hrs ahead of time to make sure that our facility was prepared for guests to arrive. As the worship band finished their warm up and run-through, our team gathered together one more time and prayed for the friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors who would gather together for a sweet time of worship.
Then, everyone went to their serve locations. RenewalKids workers began checking kids in, ReFuel Cafe volunteers began brewing fresh pots of coffee, and parking lot greeters took their places and went to work as the parking lot began to fill in 30 minutes before the gathering started.
As the band opened in worship songs, it became obvious that we would need more chairs. Volunteers moved quickly to where they were staged, and set them out with precision and ease.
During the announcement time, attendees were introduced to 5 different community group leaders. Each announced their group's night of the week, location in the city, and invited people to come meet them afterwards and get plugged in.
The message of the evening was clear. Renewal Church exists to fulfill and carry the following DNA. To ReDiscover FAITH in Jesus Christ, to ReNew HOPE through relational discipleship communities, and to ReAwaken LOVE for every man, woman, and child that they may experience the Gospel.
Renewal's Grand Opening lasts throughout the month of April. Come and see what God is up to on Meadow Drive in North Tonawanda. Sundays nights at 6pm.
Wow! To God be the glory!