I have the honor of stepping aside from the pulpit this coming Sunday and having a mentor communicate God's truths for the local church. Tommy Hargrove was my Lead Pastor at my first full-time position in ministry, and developed my heart for church multiplication and reaching the community. Tommy had a knack for allowing me in the room during difficult decision making situations, as well as informal training times where he would talk me through the reasons and practices of our particular denominational strain of Baptists so that I began to comprehend much of the reason behind: "why do we do this?" I still bend Tommy's ear often.
Randall Church has a unique opportunity in that there are 5 generations present in our sanctuary every week when we come together. A mentor or coach is someone who observes, instructs, and inspires. When you look at your weekly calendar, how many opportunities do you have to bring someone else along? How many instances are there where you could be asking someone with more life experience to bring you along? Mentoring the next generation is essential for our church to have lasting impact. Do you know what the Bible calls it? Discipleship.
Find one. Be one.
Pastor Milo
Good stuff, Milo!