If You Missed It - Grace Story / Baptism Recap

Last Sunday was a great day! One week ago today our nation recognized our veterans, for their service to our country, and for their amazing stories of bravery and brotherhood to defend our freedom. We salute these great men and women and thank them for their service, but Sunday we decided to tell a different story. 

We decided to tell the Grace Story, God's story. God's story is the epic tale of how His great love story interacts with humanity through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus to save his people from their sins. This connects each of us to our own story, of who I really am, and why I really need Jesus. In addition, this brings us to discovering the stories all around me and connecting my story with their story.

Today we share with you the Grace Stories of Peter Barone and Phoebe Auquier. We expect your heart to be touched by the way God is at work in our region, and in our congregation. It's just unbelievable. And yet, we are convinced that the best is yet to come!

Phoebe Auquier Grace Story

Peter Barone Grace Story

Thank You!

Pastor Milo


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