In 1962, The Drifters first recorded / released a hit called "Up On The Roof." It was a song written by James Taylor's longtime friend and collaborator Carole King and has been re-recorded by them and many others since. It is a song all about perspective. A song that highlights looking at things in a different way.
This spring, my family has been going through a home addition / re-model. We have spent many long nights chipping away at what was once a very long to-do list to reach what is now a completed living space... on the inside that is. As our home bustles with new activity in our new space, it has become easier and easier to dismiss the fact that the project is still not complete.
You see, we still have not attached siding on the back of the house. We still haven't installed soffits and rain gutters. We still haven't built our back steps, and we still haven't completed the job of finishing the flashing between the original house and the new addition... Where? You guessed it; Up on the roof!
I wonder if many of our churches are in the same predicament? Have we worked tirelessly to improve our interior "living space" while losing perspective on what else needs to be done on the outside? Here are three thoughts to consider today, because up on the roof, the world looks differently.
Change Your Perspective
How long have you grown comfortable doing the same things and solving the same problems? What areas of concern have you chose to let the Church overlook for a few days, assuming that you will address them in time but never have? What have you been blaming the organization for that bottom line is the Holy Spirit's convicting of areas within your own heart that need to change?
Awaken Your Senses
What do you see? What do you hear? What is it that people in your community need that you haven't paid attention to? What is it that people are saying about the Church that you haven't been listening to? What is primary concern in your neighborhood that the Gospel can address?
Trust God's Master Plan
What have you decided is beyond the scope of what God can do in your community? Why have you determined that He is unable to heal that toxic relationship, or critical spirit? What keeps your heart from fully trusting Jesus?
Robin Williams famously portrayed a teacher in "Dead Poet's Society" that challenged his students to stand on top of the desk and see the world differently than they ever had before. I believe Jesus has challenged us to do the same. Join me in seeing things differently. Join me in learning a new perspective. You matter.. You belong. You can make a difference.
There's room enough for you
Up on the roof, up on the roof, up on the roof!
Pastor Milo
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