How We Are Stewarding Our Facilities Well This Summer

We believe that everything on earth belongs to God. Our money. Our houses. Our cars. Our families. The Word of God. We can take it a step further and include our important relationships, our casual friendships, as well as our seemingly random one-time interactions. Don't forget about your desires, your deepest longings, and all of your dreams. All of this belongs to the Lord. If you are like me, this is your reminder for the day: It's not about you. This way of stewardship in all things is something we call a prioritized life.  Most often, you will hear pastors (including myself) talk about a prioritized life when the application is for an individual to use their time, talents, and treasure for the glory of God. I am convicted however, that less often we consider the implied application for a corporate body of believers. A life- prioritized faith community using their collective time, talents, and treasures for the sake of the Gospel. Tim Cool, an author on all things relating to helping church leaders to become better stewards, puts it this way: For me, stewardship is less about what we give and more about taking care of what we have been given — of all that's entrusted to us.

One of the most tangible things we've had entrusted to us, is our church's tremendous facilities and great location. Between Sunday gatherings, youth and children's activities, and all the groups that meet throughout the week, our church is a hub of activity. In the summer however, our buildings grow suddenly quiet. Here are some exciting things we are doing ourselves and renting our facility for this summer to be good stewards with what has been entrusted to us.
  • June 1st Camp Hickory Hill Rummage Sale (Youth Building and Pavilion)
  • June 26th - June 28th Randall Church Vacation Bible School (All Facilities)
  • July 1st - August 16th STEM Camp (Youth Building and Softball Diamond) (Rental)
  • July 8th - August 23rd YMCA Kids Camp (100 Kids Hall, Gym, and Side Fields) (Rental)
  • July 22nd - July 25th Randall Church Music and Arts Camp (300 Youth Hall, Sanctuary, Dining Hall)
  • August 5th - August 9th Italian Camp (200 Education Hall, Dining Hall, and Centerpointe) (Rental)

Our congregation relies on these facilities to not only be a place of worship, but also a launching pad for ministry. As you can see, this summer our facilities won't be a very quiet one, but instead very full of our own activities along with loads of opportunities to interact and be a bridge of God's love to others within our sphere of influence. And, it doesn't hurt that the rentals gives us additional capital to make updates and improvements to what God has already given to us. Be in prayer for a great summer at Randall. Pray for flexibility for our staff and volunteers, as well as receptivity for those who will hear the Good News! Exciting stuff isn't it? Join us. It's gonna be a good, good summer!           

Pastor Milo 


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