Post Easter Crash (by Bryan Long)
Easter is over. The leftovers are gone. The outfits are put away. The candy has been rationed out. Between Good Friday & Easter Sunday, many of us had powerful experiences of Jesus’ presence. Now it’s Thursday and it’s normal to feel a post-Easter crash. The powerful truth of Jesus’ death & resurrection isn’t in the forefront of our minds. While maintaining a “spiritual high” is impossible, abiding in the truth of the Gospel is a daily pursuit. As our office assistant, Vickie Flannery, has been dwelling on Easter this week, God put a word in her heart that she wanted to share. As you read her thoughts, allow it to springboard your own Gospel reflections today. He has risen! He has risen indeed!
With Easter just getting over this past weekend, I sit here and reflect on Christ’s death & resurrection. I can’t imagine how Mary felt standing there as they whipped and beat her child. It brings a lump in my throat to think of what Mary went through seeing her son up on that cross.
Death is scary, especially if you aren’t sure were you will spend eternity. One of Jesus’ last pleas to his Father was, “About the ninth hour, Jesus cried out was “My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?” Why did Jesus call out? Did He not remember what His Father was doing? He did, but this is the first time He was out of communion with God. God turned His back on Him because of all the sin that Jesus allowed to fall on Him for the sake of humanity.
Jesus shed His blood for all of humanity and our sins past, present and future. Then on the third day defeated death. So does death really sting anymore? If we place our faith in Jesus Christ and His ultimate sacrifice for all, then death truly has no sting!
- Bryan Long and Vickie Flannery
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