This week, our staff took a couple days to drop in on 150 of the most active households in our Randall Church family. We put a sign in the grass facing the front door which reads: Hello Neighbor! "Randall Church Loves You." On the sign it also has information for ways to receive help if you need it, or to offer help to others if you are able to do so. We believe this was a simple and practical way to be bridge of God's love to each other.
Now, let me put this challenge out to you. Didn't it feel nice to know that someone was thinking about you? Didn't it feel good to know that you have found your place within this community of Christ followers? Do us this favor then. Turn it around.

This week, our staff took a couple days to drop in on 150 of the most active households in our Randall Church family. We put a sign in the grass facing the front door which reads: Hello Neighbor! "Randall Church Loves You." On the sign it also has information for ways to receive help if you need it, or to offer help to others if you are able to do so. We believe this was a simple and practical way to be bridge of God's love to each other.
Now, let me put this challenge out to you. Didn't it feel nice to know that someone was thinking about you? Didn't it feel good to know that you have found your place within this community of Christ followers? Do us this favor then. Turn it around.
Turn that sign around in your yard, and share it with the rest of your neighborhood. Turn that sign around and let them know that you want to be part of extending a hand to those in need. Let them know that the love of Jesus, through the body of Christ, the local church, is a hope that is stronger than any trial they may be facing. Let them know you care. Let them know you are there.
We know there are physical, emotional, and spiritual needs among us. It doesn't take much to read between the lines when you watch the news, scroll your news feed, or check your text messages. Our neighbors desperately need to know there is hope! In these dark days, they need to see a light shining brightly!
For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God's glory displayed in the face of Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:6
Let His light shine!
With Love; From Randall
Pastor Milo
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