Moving from Thanks-Giving to Thanks-Living!


Matthew Henry is quoted as saying:

“Thanks-Giving is good, but Thanks-Living is better!” 

Here on this Thanksgiving weekend we are reminded of the need to give thanks to God. Gratitude is essential to our connection to God. In Luke’s Gospel, we read the Story of the 10 Lepers. It's a compelling story that gets to the root issue that lies in many of our hearts when it comes to being truly grateful. If we listen closely, we get a sense that the point is less about physical leprosy and more about spiritual lethargy. Without praise and thanksgiving, we lapse into apathetic spiritual consumers: people who take without giving; people who receive without thanks-giving.

Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Was no one found to return and give praise to God except for this foreigner? Luke 17:17-19 

We have so much to be grateful for! Not just on this one day that we set aside in November each year, but in every moment of every day that breath fills our lungs.

It’s almost as if Jesus is saying:

“Were not all 365 days beautifully and wonderfully made? What about the other 364? Who will acknowledge and give praise to God for his protection, his blessings, and his provision for these as well?”

So yes, Thanks-Giving is good, but Thanks-Living is better! 

Lord, may you teach us an attitude of gratitude!

- Pastor Milo



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