New Year; New Start; New Staffing Update for Randall Church
Well, its that time again. The time when you reflect on all that God has done in the past year, and look ahead into the coming year to see what may be coming down the line. To be fair, its almost comical to write a post like this, because year after year, time after time our plans do not come out the way we expect them to. If the last couple years have taught us anything, it is that the wisdom of Isaiah is absolutely true! "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord.
Still, like a farmer is told to make plans for tilling the fields in the spring in order to reap a harvest in the fall, we lay out our plans and ask God to guide our way. As we look into 2022, we have a few updates to give you in regards to our ministry staff that will effect much of our church in the coming months. Starting January 1st, we will be inviting a few interim staff to the team while we continue in our search for a Family Pastor to compliment our team.
First of all, Frank and Dawn Czezak have become a familiar couple to many of you in our church. They have been active members in our church since they arrived a few years back. Frank has a heart to serve the Lord and has a lot of experience as a minister for a house church he started years ago out of their home in Cheektowaga. Frank will be joining our team as an Interim Visitation and Care Shepherd primarily with a focus for our senior adult population and those dealing with chronic illness.
As far as the Family Pastor search is concerned, we have narrowed things down to two primary candidates. Both are coming to us from our of state; one from Ohio and the other from Kentucky. For this reason, we will be pursuing some interim leaders for our children and youth in motion, knowing that either candidate will need some time to make the move here to WNY.
For Randall Kids, we have asked Sarah Russo to serve as the official Interim Children's Ministry Coordinator, and Helen Monegro to serve with her as the Randall Kids Ministry Assistant. Both are familiar faces, and will be very instrumental in keeping that ministry humming along. We look forward to seeing them both on Sunday mornings.
For Randall Youth, we are pursuing an Intern / Interim Youth Ministry Coordinator to come in on Sundays for the next 3-5 months, teaching on Sunday mornings at the 9 o'clock hour, then running middle school and high school youth group on Sunday evenings. This is an ideal position for a college student or young adult looking for some ministry experience, while considering vocation ministry down the road. One where we can come alongside a burgeoning leader, and give them valuable ministry experience, while also seeing our children continue to grow in maturity and faith in the Lord. If you know of someone who meets this criteria, please be sure to let us know.
Finally, in related news, our church plant in Clarence; Fieldstone Church, now has a new church planter for the new year. Eric and Kelly Farley will be starting at Fieldstone in February. Eric comes to us from Community of Grace Church in Amherst, where he currently serves as an elder. This is a beautiful picture of the regional body of Christ. Both of our churches will be working together to ensure that the Clarence church plant is well resourced. Praise be to God!
Looking forward to what 2022 has in store!
We make our plans. May God direct our paths.
- Pastor Milo
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